Download catalog Recycla
Ilustración bandera Unión Europea con el objetivo del 50% de tasa de reciclaje

Progressing towards the target established by the EU for 2020, increasing the recycling rate from 30% to 50%.

Ilustración ciudadana reciclando

Knowing what happens and how citizens behave on the subject of recycling and waste separation.

Ilustración ciudad

Cleaner cities that are more sustainable and environmental-friendly.

Ilustración bolsa de basura con código de barras de Recycla

Dispatch of exact information from each container, thanks to the reading of the personalised cards.


Recycla is a system that places citizens at the centre of the Project, taking into account their recycling habits and once this is established, these customs are analysed using the elements in the system described below:
    A smart process.
  • Voluntary registration of cards and labels
  • Smart container / access card / bar code.
  • Bags with individual labels
  • Data taking
  • Waste inspection
  • Sending data
  • Container / website information access data
When the system is operating, the data received is analysed and any recycling black spots are detected, with a view to enabling suitable awareness campaigns to be devised and put into operation to remove them.
  • Ilustración proceso de reciclaje Recycla
  • Ilustración tarjeta inteligente Recycla
  • Ilustración monitor de ordenador
  • Texto manuscrito en el que se lee "Reciclar tiene valor"


A system where we all win.

  • For the council

    For the council

    Cities that are cleaner and more sustainable.
  • For the services companies

    Optimisation and planning of the waste management

    Optimisation and planning of the waste management.
  • For citizens

    Responsible waste management

    Responsible waste management.


Request a special Recycla study for your city

We appreciate your interest in Recycla, a system with a payback period for organisations that is estimated in 1½-2 years. For more information about Recycla for your city or district, please fill in the following form.



A new concept in urban waste management

Recycla uses new technologies applied to products to be used for collection, in order for town councils, service companies and citizens to benefit from a greater control over the recycling process and a more economic and efficient management, aiding the fulfilment of European regulations. Recycla is a comprehensive system that allows immediate information to be obtained from the waste separation made by each citizen and their behaviour when depositing waste, making it possible to act wherever necessary to obtain more efficient recycling, saving costs and generating profits. The system includes the installation of smart containers with card readers at their openings, moving along to the personalised information aimed at citizens in order for them to be able to keep a record of their recycling habits. Recycla has specific software that allows the entire system to be processed and analysed. Saving: in the usage rate of waste tips. Increase in revenue: for sale of recycled material. Reduction: in the waste fees paid by citizens who recycle correctly.
  • El presente El futuro


We take charge of everything

Intelligent identification and control elements:
  • Containers with access control
  • Container opening using personalised cards or by Smartphone.
  • Adhesive labels with personalised codes that identify the bags.
RECYCLA website for information and monitoring:
  • Website for registration by citizens allowing them to know about and take part in the system.
  • Launching of awareness campaigns by the Town Councils.
  • Monitoring by the Town Councils and citizens of the use of the system and incentive and bonus schemes for correct recycling.
Installation and management of personalised software for data reading:
  • Comprehensive control of the correct use of the system.
  • Report preparation.
  • Identification of poor recycling points (Black Spots) and incidences detected.
Waste audit:
  • Information and control of the correct waste separation by citizens due to the identification on the bags.
  • Ilustración de un contenedor Recycla de CONTENUR
  • Ilustración tarjeta inteligente de Recycla
  • Ilustración monitor de ordenador
  • Ilustración mundo sonriendo